Everyone one has them, right. I have my own opinions this afternoon and want to share them. I just hate seeing people demonize issues and place shame on others.
I just saw on Facebook where a friend shared a poem called Weed. I didn’t listen to all of it. I got angry after seeing the poem make marijuana into something terrible. It bothers me when people make things out to be terrible. Where did the plant come from if not from God? And if something in this world is created by God, why are people, especially Christians, making such a big deal about the plant? In my opinion, the reason why the plant is used is the problem. People who smoke pot to soothe away their fears, doubts, and shame get addicted to it because for a little while the drug puts a person in a better place. Why not look where the problem really is? What’s going on with the person? Is his or her family life in the ditch? Is there bullying going on? Is there abuse somewhere?
And speaking of abuse, there is a church right on the main street through my town where each summer the church members plant hundreds of little white crosses in their churchyard for the unborn aborted babies. There’s a part of my spirit that wants to go rip all those crosses up. What right do these people have to put such guilt and shame on a woman for having an abortion? I wonder if these are the same people who scream about paying taxes to help unwed mothers. Women should have the right to make her tough choices without having to deal that that sort of crap. I know there are a lot of options besides aborting a child, but there is just something so wrong about the actions of this church.
When people demonize things and dole out shame, the problem is never solved. It just goes underground. No one will speak up. No teenager will say, “hey, I have a problem with drugs: will you help me?” Or tell you that she’s thinking of suicide because she had an abortion and can’t stand herself now. Who trusts a person or church that shames and blames? I don’t.
The National Rifle Association says it is not the gun that is the problem but the person holding the gun. I think the same train of thought should be applied toward drugs, alcohol, risky sex, abortion, and whatever else people want to shame the hell out of us with.
Thanks for letting me rant.